Curious is Norton Dodge of the underground 'art scene' in the Soviet Union. He goes into basements, attics, small apartment complexes to find extraordinary 'unofficial' art. The term NON-CONFORMIST is defined as a person who does not accept and refuses customs and beliefs of the government/ high authority, defiant. And in terms of art being 'nonconformist' refers to the production of non-Social Realist art in the Soviet Union (1950-1980/90).
The majority of the collection contains paintings (mixed media and oil on canvas) and drawings. I have been given the task of cataloging posters. It is a great challenge to digest and catalog these posters considering they are written in Cyrillic. The most different, yet fascinating, works of art I have seen by far! Some works are a bit risque and other works are intentionally pulsating with sexual references. Some works reach to the point of a dreamscape and other works stay with Academic painting.
It is difficult to pin point a favorite, but I personally love sculptures. I love the three dimensional tactility of art! C'est une chose à voir et une autre à toucher.